BerandaOpiniEnglishPublic Role in the SDGs

Public Role in the SDGs

By: Muhammad Farid Wajdi *)

PALONTARAQ.ID – The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires wider public participation. Without community participation, the SDGs agenda will be the same fate as the millennium development agenda (MDGs).

Among the failures of the MDGs were reducing the number of maternal mortality during childbirth, suppressing the number of people with HIV, ensuring environmental sustainability, and providing access to drinking water and proper sanitation for the community.

Therefore a civil society coalition needs to encourage the Indonesian government to involve community participation in carrying out the SDGs agenda until 2030.

This form of community participation can be realized by forming a joint committee involving civil society organizations. He believes that civil society with their respective expertise can help the government to more sharply map problems in the field, create solutions and implementations and conduct supervision.

Founder of Palontaraq, M. Farid Wajdi. (foto: ist/palontaraq)
Founder of Palontaraq, M. Farid Wajdi. (foto: ist/palontaraq)

Founder of Palontaraq Community, Etta Adil, highlighted the partnership model and implementation of SDGs in all development programs and accountability mechanisms.

“The important values ​​of SDGs need public support, public policy, and institutional design. Policies that are made must pay attention to the groups that suffer the most,” he said in the SDGs Forum, Makassar, Monday (2/25/2019)

In addition, according to him, the challenge of achieving the SDGs target needs parliamentary support as an effort to maintain a balanced amount of women’s representation. If we look at the 17 SDGs objectives with 169 targets focusing on issues of poverty and inequality that are close to women’s problems.

“The key factors for the success of the SDGs will be accountability so that an important reporting system is important,” Farid said. (*)


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