BerandaKesehatanActivities and Contributions during the Corona Virus Pandemic

Activities and Contributions during the Corona Virus Pandemic

By: Muhammad Farid Wajdi

Related Post: Update Sebaran Positif Covid-19: 9.771 Kasus, Jakarta terbanyak 4.092 Kasus

PALONTARAQ.ID – Introduce myself, I’m a teacher, writer and blogger. As a teacher at a Islamic Boarding School, I was directly involved in making decisions with the foundation manager, the school committee, and the teacher council to agree to study from home (online learning) during the Corona Virus pandemic from 17th March to the present.

Meeting with the foundation manager, the school committee, and the teacher council to agree to dismiss students during the Corona Virus pandemic. (foto: ist/palontaraq)

During the Corona Virus pandemic, I supervised online learning classrooms from class VII-XII (six classrooms).

The online learning process takes place via Google Classroom, Zoom Cloud Meeting, Whatsapp or Telegram, Webex, and other online meeting applications.

Since students are closed, teaching and learning takes place online from home, learning and working from home.

Students and teachers enter a new world of learning processes that remain interactive even though far away, sending study materials and assignments via the internet.

Message of Islamic about how to respond to an epidemic
Message of Islamic about how to respond to an Corona Pandemic. (foto: ist/palontaraq)

I invite students and fellow teachers, that by staying at home, implementing of social distancing or physical distancing, use a mask if have to leave the house, keep the body clean and the environment,  it has helped medical staff and health volunteers reduce the number of positive cases of the corona virus (Covid-19).

By staying at home, it also proves that the teaching and learning process can still take place, working from home, as well as other positive activities from home, including writing books and publishing writings on the internet.

Promulgation of corona outbreaks before students are dismissed
Promulgation of corona outbreaks before students are dismissed. (foto: ist/palontaraq)
Promulgation of corona outbreaks before students are dismissed. (foto: ist/palontaraq)
Students at Islamic Boarding School of IMMIM, Promulgation of corona outbreaks before students are dismissed. (foto: ist/palontaraq)

As a writer and blogger, I monitor the corona virus news every day and pass it on to students, teachers and other communities, as well as selecting information that is untrue or false, propaganda and misleading.

In my opinion, one way to overcome the corona virus is to provide correct information and news about the virus. Incorrect information can make people wrong in thinking and behaving.

Learning via Zoom Cloud Meeting. (foto: ist/palontaraq)
Learning via Zoom Cloud Meeting. (foto: ist/palontaraq)
Invite students to the "StayHomeSaveLives" campaign
Invite students to the “StayHomeSaveLives” campaign. (foto: ist/palontaraq)

That’s why I write every day about the corona virus on the internet, giving a list of happiness that this corona virus must pass, and we can all move back to normal.

You can see and read my writings on the web blog:

and others about Covid-19 news updates

or on:

and others about Covid-19 news updates.

message for social distance
Message for to keep social distancing. (foto: ist/palontaraq)

Corona Virus must be dealt with together. Hopefully with this small contribution, it can help and accelerate the loss of the corona virus on this earth.

Thank you!


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