BerandaOpiniEnglishLet's to Learning and Writing of The History

Let’s to Learning and Writing of The History

By:  M. Farid W Makkulau

PALONTARAQ.ID – MANY people say that, “why learn history, does not that mean we go back to the past?”. For the same reason, many people do not want to reflects on History.

Prof. Dr. A Zainal Abidin Farid argues that studying the history does not mean that we will return of the past, but positive things can encourage us to create better.

Who knows, according to him, is something of the past that can inspire us to improve our present life, to move into a brighter future. Or who knows people of ancient times more qualified thinking and more advanced culture than we are today.

History is actually a lesson. History educates us to be wiser in judging life. Hence history is educative, learning from experience ever done.

Experience is not only limited to the experience experienced alone, but also from previous generations.

Humans who want to learn from history can develop its potential. Mistakes in the past, either the error itself or the mistakes of others try to avoid.

In the meantime, a good experience must be imitated and developed. History can also be a source of inspiration.

Penulis dalam Kompleks Makam Arung Palakka di Katangka, Gowa. (foto: ist/palontaraq)
Author in the Arung Palakka Tomb Complex in Katangka, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi.(foto: ist/palontaraq)

Historical stories can inspire readers and listeners. From History, we can know how our nation fights invaders, seizes and defends freedom, whatever the ‘founding fathers’ do in paving the way to an independent and sovereign nation.

From history, we are learning how to begin with and what we must do with the challenges we face based on mirrors of past events.

History can also be a recreative material, giving a fresh entertainment. The narration and the writing of the story of history can be an entertaining and communicative means of educating generations.

History by itself is a necessity. What we do today, tomorrow has become into history. Everyone is a historical actor in his life.

Therefore, Let’s study of History. (*)



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